TESOLutions is designed for students majoring in English education at KGU.

Materials and Resources for Power ReadingCONCEPT

 教室に一歩入り、"Hello!" という最初の一言を発するだけで、「すごい」先生が来たかどうかということを児童生徒に演示(demonstrate)することができるのです。
 Power Reading の最終目的は、教材をnative likeな発音で流暢に音読することではありません。目の前にいるリアリティ(児童生徒)を意識し、彼らが内容を理解し聞き取ることができるような、聞き手を意識した音読をするためのスキルを身につけることです。
 そのためには、音読の対象となるテキストの内容を理解し、意味単位(sense group)を音声的に表現することができるよう必要なポーズ(pause)を置きながら読む練習を積み重ねることが大切です。

1. POWER Reading PDF Text with soud
2. POWER Reading PDF Text
3. I know an old lady who swallowed a fly (Mother Goose)
4. Athletic ability survey
5. Athletic ability survey for shadowing
6. Metabolic syndrome
7. Metabolic synddrome for shadowing
8. Asian countries target energy security
9. Birth rate shows slight increase
10. Chinese milk scandal deepens
11. UN climate chief says no to eat meat
12. Japanese share Physics Nobel Prize
13. Takei married boyfriend
14. Doomsday Clock
15. Yamanaka proposes cell bank

1. POWER Reading Text (PDF file with sound)

POWER Reading用のサウンド付きPDFテキストファイルです。ダウンロード後にファイルを開き、該当ページに設定されている音声ボタンをクリックして学習してください。


2. POWER Reading Text (PDF file)

POWER Reading用のPDFテキストファイルです。


3. I know an old lady who swallowed a fly

昔から語り継がれている Mother Gooseのストーリーです。ネイティブであれば誰が読んでも同じリズムになります。その理由を発見してみましょう。


4. Athletic ability survey

The Japanese government has conducted a survey on people’s basic physical ability. Around 74,000 people aged from six to 79 were surveyed nationwide.

In the study, students aged between six and 17 showed lower performance than similar students 20 years ago. The percentage of those who exercise at least three times a week is also declining. Many junior and senior high schoolers showed markedly lower endurance. The study also revealed that students who did not eat breakfast every day performed worse than those who did.

Adults, meanwhile, showed better results. The number of people who exercise regularly also seems to be on the rise.





5. Athletic ability survey (for shadowing)

The Japanese government has made a survey on people’s athletic ability. About 74,000 people took part in the study.

According to the results, students from six to 17 years old had lower ability than those 20 years ago. There were also fewer students who exercised regularly. Many junior and senior high school students also showed particularly low stamina.

Adults, however, showed better performance. More and more people are now starting to exercise regularly.

For shadowing (シャドーイング用教材)は、テキストを見ないで、ナレータの音読を追いかけるようにしてリーディングをするための同時通訳者を養成するために用いられる訓練方法です。自分のリーディングの音声を聞き取ることができるレベルで、ボリュームを少し高めに設定し、ナレータ−のほんの少し後につけて音読をしてください。文法力や文構造力、コロケーション(統語)力を最大限活用し、次に来る語や表現を予測しながらアクティブなリーディングを行います。
 For shadowing用のナレーションは、110語/1分程度の速度にコントロールされています。




6. Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of health risks caused by accumulated fat around the main organs.

These risks include obesity, elevated blood pressure and diabetes. An enlarged waistline is one of the indicators of the disorder. According to a recent government survey, around 20 million Japanese in their 40s to 70s are already suffering from or are likely to suffer from the condition. This has increased considerably over the past two decades.

Metabolic syndrome increases the likelihood of life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. Experts say that in order to prevent or improve the condition, it is essential to maintain a balanced lifestyle and exercise regularly.





7. Metabolic syndrome (for shadowing)

Metabolic syndrome is a group of health problems caused by increased fat around the organs.

These problems include fatness, high blood pressure and diabetes. Patients usually have too much fat around their waist. About 20 million Japanese in their 40s to 70s are currently or are potentially affected by the condition.

Metabolic syndrome can lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. Maintaining a regular life and getting enough exercise help to prevent or improve the condition.





8. Asian countries target energy security

Sixteen Asian countries have agreed to cooperate on the development of energy resources in response to recent jumps in oil prices.

Energy ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Japan, South Korea and China made the commitment at a recent meeting in Bangkok. The agreement targets the expansion of energy-saving technologies under Japan's leadership, plus the promotion of alternative energy sources such as bio fuels. The ministers also agreed to prevent competition between food and bio fuel production, and associated environmental damage.

In a related move, the countries have also adopted a plan to stockpile oil as a buffer against fluctuations in supply.





9. Birth rate shows slight increase

The health ministry has announced Japan's birth rate rose slightly in 2007, for the second consecutive year.

The 0.02 increase brings the average number of babies born per woman to 1.34, up from an all-time low of 1.26 in 2005. However, experts say the current trend is probably only temporary. The rise was mainly due to statistical factors and the total number of births actually fell by almost 3,000. Japan requires a fertility rate of around 2.07 to maintain its current population.

Although the health ministry has been targeting this crucial issue, critics say the government has not allocated sufficient funds for the task.





10. Chinese milk scandal deepens

China is still counting the cost of a dairy product scandal that has killed several babies and left thousands more seriously ill.

The crisis is due to dairy suppliers who added an industrial chemical to their milk to raise protein levels. The problem first became public when large numbers of babies became ill. However, the scandal has now widened to include yoghurt, ice cream and other dairy products. Singapore and Hong Kong have also removed all Chinese milk products from local stores.

Although investigations were delayed as milk producers attempted to hide the crisis, Chinese officials have now arrested a large number of suspects.





11. UN climate chief says no to eat meat

The UN's top climate scientist, Rajendra Pachauri, has called for people to eat less meat as a way of combating global warming.

The UN estimates meat production accounts for around 18 percent of the world's total greenhouse gases. In contrast, transportation accounts for only 13 percent. Based on this, Pachauri says changing our diet could significantly reduce global warming. He also says life style changes are highly important for improving the environment. His advice is to give up meat, ride a bike and be a frugal shopper.

Pachauri chairs the Nobel-Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.





12. Japanese share Physics Nobel Prize

The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics is to be shared between a team of two Japanese scientists and one Japanese-American scientist.

The two Japanese winners, Toshihide Masukawa and Makoto Kobayashi, have been recognized for their development of quark theory. Despite initial skepticism following its release in 1973, their theory has since become an accepted standard. The third recipient is Yoichiro Nambu, a naturalized American citizen. Nambu has been a key figure in the field of subatomic physics for over four decades.

The three will also share the prize money of approximately 140 million yen, with half going to Masukawa and Kobayashi and half to Nambu.





13. Takei married boyfriend

Japanese-American actor George Takei recently married his long-term boyfriend in a Buddhist ceremony in Los Angeles.

Takei is best known for playing Mr. Sulu in the original series of Star Trek and later movies. He recently appeared in the television show Heroes as the father of Hiro Nakamura. Seventy-one-year-old Takei was imprisoned with his family during World War ll as an enemy alien. Despite this experience, he has remained politically active and is currently a spokesperson for the gay rights movement.

Takei has been with his partner for more than 20 years. The couple immediately applied for a wedding license when California approved same-sex marriages in June.





14. Doomsday Clock

U.S. magazine Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently advanced the minute hand of its Doomsday Clock by two minutes. The clock is currently set at five minutes to midnight.

Created in 1947, the Doomsday Clock indicates the time until the end of the world. The clock is adjusted forward or back when there is a change in international security. The current change reflects the threat posed by Iran and North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and also the deteriorating environmental situation.

This is the first time environmental issues have affected the clock. Many scientists now believe climate change could cause irreparable damage over the next three to four decades.





15. Yamanaka proposes cell bank

Japanese medical pioneer Shinya Yamanaka has again surprised the medical community by proposing the creation of storage banks for human stem cells.

The idea follows Yamanaka’s stunning announcement in November his team had successfully created stem cells from human skin. However, while the method offers significant potential for treating conditions such as spinal injuries and Alzheimer’s, it is very time-consuming. Yamanaka said he believes creating cell banks could speed up the process and also allow doctors to grow tissue for conducting research.

At the same time, Yamanaka has noted stricter laws will also be required as the new technology greatly simplifies the cloning process.


