
  • アルファベットの音と形を認識し、定着させるための教材が準備されています。特に、高学年では単語や単文の視覚的な認識と音声・意味との連合が重要な課題となります。
  • In this RESOURCE-Box, materials for learners to recognize each letter of the alphabet and its corresponding name are provided.
  • Materials provided are designed for children in the lower classes at school based upon the sensory-motor learning hypothesis. Sing a song and dancing to the music repeatedly help them to establish linkage between the shape of the letter and its name.

  • 高学年用アルファベット学習教材
  • Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters): アルファベットの筆順(大文字編)青文字×白地
  • Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters) :アルファベットの筆順(大文字編)青文字×白地
  • Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters) :アルファベットの筆順(大文字編)黄色文字×白地
  • Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters): アルファベットの筆順(小文字編)桃色文字×白地
  • Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters): アルファベットの筆順(大文字編)汎用型
  • Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters) :アルファベットの筆順(小文字編)汎用型
  • Alphabet Strokes (Both Letters) :アルファベットの筆順(大文字・小文字編):汎用型
  • Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters) Learn the shapes of the letters and their names. Click on each letter and study its name and correct strokes when you write it.

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    M N O P
    Q R S T
    U V W X
    Y Z  

    Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters) Learn the shapes of the letters and their names. Click on each letter and study its name and correct strokes when you write it.

    a b c d
    e f g h
    i j k l
    m n o p
    q r s t
    u v w x
    y z z*  

    Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters) Learn the shapes of the letters and their names. Click on each letter and study its name and correct strokes when you write it.

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    M N O P
    Q R S T
    U V W X
    Y Z  

    Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters) Learn the shapes of the letters and their names. Click on each letter and study its name and correct strokes when you write it.

    a b c d
    e f g h
    i j k l
    m n o p
    q r s t
    u v w x
    y z z*  

    Alphabet Strokes (Capital Letters) アルファベットの大文字の正しい筆順を、直線と曲線と音の組み合わせにより、効果的に学習することができます。

    Alphabet Strokes (Small Letters) アルファベットの小文字の正しい筆順を、直線と曲線と音の組み合わせにより、効果的に学習することができます。

    Alphabet Strokes (Both Letters) アルファベットの大文字と小文字の正しい筆順を、直線と曲線と音の組み合わせにより、効果的に学習することができます。

    RESOURCE-Box Regulations

    • Welcome to RESOURCE-Box.
    • All the materials provided by RESOURCE-Box are copy righted.
    • You may only be allowed to use the resources for personal and educational purposes.
    • Any commercial use of all or a part of the resources are strictly prohibited.
    • For copying and duplication of the materials for classroom use, please get a written permission from E-Box by contacting to
    • We take no responsibility whatever inconvenience or resulting loses incurred by using any resources at RESOURCE-Box for any reason.