Meatless Monday, a movement that encourages people to skip meat one day
a week, is becoming popular worldwide.
First launched in the US in 2003, the movement is now active in 29 countries,
including Japan. It is supported by celebrities such as Paul McCartney
and Oprah Winfrey. Studies show skipping meat one day a week has health
and environment benefits. One school in the Philippines received a national
award for its meatless Monday program, begun to improve student health.
The Philippines has unusually high rates of both childhood malnutrition
and adult obesity, and diabetes. The Norwegian army has also introduced
a program to protect the environment.
While there is an image soldiers must eat meat, officials say many are
already vegetarians. According to the UN, livestock farming creates almost
15 percent of all human-based greenhouse gases.
2003年に米国で始まったこの運動は、今では日本を含む29カ国で盛んに行われています。ポール・マッカートニーやオプラ・ウィンフリーなどの著名人がこの運動を支持しています。週に1日肉を抜くことが健康面や環境面で良い効果をもたらすことが研究で分かっています。ミートレス・マンデー運動を取り入れたことで国内の賞を受けたフィリピンのある学校では、生徒の健康が改善され始めました。フィリピンでは幼少期の栄養不良だけでなく、成人の肥満や糖尿病の割合が非常に高くなっています。 また、ノルウェー軍も環境を守るために同じプログラムを導入しました。兵士は肉を食べなければならないというイメージがありますが、すでに多くの兵士がベジタリアン(菜食主義者)であると当局は述べています。
Meatless Monday is becoming popular worldwide. The movement encourages
people to skip meat one day a week.
First launched in the US in 2003, the movement is now active in 29 countries.
It is supported by celebrities such as Paul McCartney. Studies show skipping
meat improves health and helps the environment. One school in the Philippines
that joined meatless Monday recently received a national award for its
healthy lifestyle. The Philippines has unusually high rates of both childhood
malnutrition and adult obesity. The Norwegian army has also started a program
to help the environment.
Officials say many soldiers are already vegetarians. Livestock farming
creates almost 15 percent of human-based greenhouse gases.