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Mobile Phone Users Suffering from Text Neck: Normal Version

Doctors have begun warning about text neck, a condition that develops when people spend too much time hunched forward over mobile electronic devices.
Curving the body forward to text, watch videos and play games can cause pain from the neck to hands. Unfortunately, unless corrected, the problem can become permanent. While the condition is not new, it has increased dramatically with the rising popularity of smart phones and iPads. Young children are especially at high risk due to the relatively large size of their heads.
Doctors are advising people to take breaks every 15 minutes and stretch their head back. Even just sitting straight and holding the device a little higher can help.


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Mobile Phone Users Suffering from Text Neck: Easier English

Doctors are warning about text neck, which occurs when people spend too much time bent forward over smart phones and iPads.
Bending forward to text, watch videos and play games can cause pain from the neck to hands. The condition has increased dramatically and can become permanent. Children are at high risk due to their relatively large heads.
Doctors are advising people to rest every 15 minutes and stretch their neck. Even sitting straight and holding the device a little higher can help.

スマートフォンやiPad(アイパッド)を前かがみの姿勢で長時間使用すると起こる「テキスト・ネック」に関して、医師たちは注意を促しています。 メールを打ったり、動画を見たり、ゲームをするために前かがみになることで、首から手にかけて痛みを引き起こす可能性があります。この症状は劇的に増えており、生涯続く可能性があります。子どもは相対的に大きな頭部を持つため、症状を起こす危険性が高いです。

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