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Japan Unveils Comprehensive Dementia Strategy: Normal Version

The Japanese government has announced a comprehensive strategy to expand efforts to address dementia.

Dubbed the New Orange Plan, the strategy is an update to the five year plan introduced in 2012. The revised policy is based on the assumption dementia sufferers will increase to over seven million by 2025. The strategy focuses on the provision of adequate medical care and enhancement of support for patients with premature senility. It also includes steps to increase support for caregivers and develop patient-friendly communities. The strategy places weight on the roles of regional areas in achieving these objectives. It will be partially funded by increased taxation.

Patients with dementia become highly dependent on their families and others to care for them. With society aging so rapidly, it will be necessary to develop a unified support network that includes the workplace and wider community.


「新オレンジプラン」と呼ばれるこの戦略は、2012年に導入された5カ年計画を更新したものです。改正版の政策は、2025年までに認知症患者 が700万人を超過するという試算に基づいています。この戦略では、適切な医療の提供や、若年性認知症患者の支援の強化に重点が置かれます。また、介護者 への支援拡大や、患者にやさしい地域づくりのための措置も盛り込まれています。これらの目的を達成するには、地域の役割が重要視されています。この戦略に は、増税分から一部資金が充てられます。


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Japan Unveils Comprehensive Dementia Strategy: Easier English

The Japanese government has announced an expanded strategy to address dementia.

The New Orange Plan is a revision of the strategy introduced in 2012. It is based on the calculation dementia sufferers will exceed seven million by 2025. The plan focuses on providing effective medical care and supporting people with premature senility. It also includes steps to increase assistance for caregivers and create patient-friendly communities. The plan emphasizes the cooperation of local areas will be essential. Its measures will be partly funded by higher taxes.

Dementia sufferers rely on their families and others to look after them. With patients increasing so quickly, it will be necessary to build a community-wide support system.


この「新オレンジプラン」は、2012年に導入された戦略を改定したもので、2025年までに認知症患者が700万人を超過するという試算に基づ いています。新プランでは、有効な医療の提供や、若年性認知症患者への支援に重点が置かれます。また、介護者への支援強化や、患者にやさしい地域づくりの ための措置も盛り込まれています。このプランは、地域の協力が不可欠であると強調しています。各対策には、増税分から一部資金が充てられます。


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